Grade 4 Math Curriculum

Understanding the Grade 4 Math Syllabus & How You Can Support Your G4 Child

Grade 4 marks the start of higher level math.

To ease the transition into higher grade levels, KooBits’ Grade 4 topics are aligned with Singapore’s syllabus, a globally-recognised curriculum.

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Numbers To 100 000

  1. Count to 100 000
  2. Write numbers to 100 000 in numerals
  3. Write numbers to 100 000 in words
  4. Count on to one hundred thousand
  5. Find the value of each digit of a 5-digit number using a place value chart
  6. Find the expanded form of a 5-digit number
  7. Compare numbers within 100 000 using greater than and less than
  8. Order numbers within 100 000
  9. Number patterns within 100 000
  10. Round a 2-digit number up or down to the nearest ten
  11. Rounding a 3-digit number to the nearest ten
  12. Rounding a 3-digit number to the nearest hundred
  13. Rounding a 4-digit number to the nearest hundred
  14. Estimate and checking sums by rounding numbers
  15. Estimate and checking differences by rounding numbers
  16. Find the tens/hundreds /thousands to be added to obtain a given value
  17. Find the difference between two numbers rounded to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands

Factors & Multiples

  1. Determine if a 1-digit number is a factor of a given number within 100
  2. Find common factors of two whole numbers
  3. Find multiples of a number
  4. Determine if a number is a multiple of given 1-digit number
  5. Find the first twelve multiples of a given 1-digit number
  6. Find common multiples of two given 1-digit numbers

Four Operations of Whole Numbers

  1. Multiply with regrouping in thousands, hundreds, tens and ones using a place value chart
  2. Multiply by a 1-digit number without a place value chart (up to 4-digit)
  3. Multiply a 2-digit number by tens
  4. Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number
  5. Multiply a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number
  6. Divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number without a remainder
  7. Divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number with a remainder
  8. Use models to solve multi-step word problems


  1. Interpret fractions greater than one whole as mixed numbers
  2. Add a whole number and a fraction to get a mixed number
  3. Express mixed numbers in simplest form
  4. Interpret fractions greater than one whole as improper fractions
  5. Express improper fractions in simplest form
  6. Express mixed numbers as improper fractions in simplest form
  7. Express improper fractions as mixed numbers in simplest form
  8. Compare two fractions using fraction discs
  9. Compare two fractions by changing to common denominators
  10. Compare and order fractions
  11. Add fractions (with denominators not exceeding 12)
  12. Add two fractions to get mixed numbers
  13. Add three fractions to get mixed numbers
  14. Subtract fractions (with denominators not exceeding 12)
  15. Subtract fractions from whole numbers
  16. Find the fraction of a part of objects
  17. Find the fractional part of a set
  18. Find a fractional part of a number
  19. Use part-whole models to solve addition word problems involving fractions
  20. Use part-whole models to solve subtraction word problems involving fractions
  21. Use part-whole models to solve word problems involving fraction of a set or part of a set


  1. Naming angles
  2. Use a protractor to measure angles in degrees
  3. Quarter, Half, Three-quarterand Complete Turns
  4. Show directions using 8-point compass
  5. Describe movement using ‘clockwise’ and ‘anticlockwise’
  6. Find angle in clockwise/anti-clockwise movement around a compass

Squares And Rectangles

  1. Identify squares and their properties
  2. Identify rectangles and their properties
  3. Use properties of squares and rectangles to find unknown angles
  4. Use properties of squares and rectangles to find the side lengths of figures


  1. Express fractions in tenths as decimals
  2. Find equivalent ones and tenths
  3. Write mixed numbers in decimal notation
  4. Write improper fractions in decimal notation
  5. Write decimals to tenths in expanded form
  6. Measurement in decimals (1 decimal place)
  7. Represent decimals on a number line (1 decimal place)
  8. Express fractions in hundredths as decimals
  9. Find equivalent tenths and hundredths
  10. Express tenths and hundredths as decimals
  11. Express fractions as two-place decimals
  12. Express ones, tenths and hundredths as decimals
  13. Express mixed numbers as two-place decimals
  14. Express improper fractions as two-place decimals
  15. Write decimals to hundredths in expanded form
  16. Measurement in decimals (2 decimal places)
  17. Represent decimals on a number line (2 decimal places)
  18. Represent thousandths
  19. Find equivalent hundredths and thousandths
  20. Write hundredths and thousandths in decimal notation
  21. Express fractions as three-place decimals
  22. Write decimals to thousandths in expanded form
  23. Represent decimals on a number line (3 decimal places)
  24. Find 0.1 more than or 0.1 less than
  25. Find 0.01 more than or 0.01 less than
  26. Find missing numbers in a pattern
  27. Compare decimals to hundredths
  28. Order decimals to hundredths
  29. Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
  30. Rounding decimals to 1 decimal place
  31. Rounding decimals to 2 decimal places
  32. Express fractions as decimals
  33. Express improper fractions as decimals
  34. Express mixed numbers as decimals
  35. Express decimals as fractions
  36. Express decimals as mixed numbers
  37. Estimate sums by rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
  38. Estimate differences by rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
  39. Estimate products by rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
  40. Estimate quotients by rounding decimals to a whole number
  41. Estimate by rounding decimals to the nearest tenth
  42. Use models to solve word problems involving decimals

Four Operations of Decimals

  1. Add decimals with one decimal place without regrouping
  2. Add decimals with one decimal place with regrouping in tenths
  3. Add decimals with one decimal place with regrouping in ones and tenths
  4. Add decimals with two decimal places without regrouping
  5. Add decimals with two decimal places with regrouping in hundredths
  6. Add decimals with two decimal places with regrouping in tenths and hundredths
  7. Subtract decimals with one decimal place without regrouping
  8. Subtract decimals with one decimal place with regrouping in ones and tenths
  9. Subtract decimals with one decimal place from whole numbers
  10. Subtract decimals with two decimal places with regrouping in tenths and hundredths
  11. Subtract decimals with placeholder zeroes
  12. Solve word problems involving addition of decimals
  13. Solve word problems involving subtraction of decimals
  14. Multiply one-place decimals by a 1-digit whole number
  15. Multiply hundredths by 1-digit whole number
  16. Multiply two-place decimals by 1-digit whole number
  17. Divide tenths by 1-digit whole number without regrouping
  18. Divide hundredths by 1-digit whole number without regrouping
  19. Divide one-place decimals by 1-digit whole number with regrouping
  20. Dividing numbers and correcting answers to 1 decimal place
  21. Dividing numbers and correcting answers to 2 decimal places
  22. Solve word problems involving multiplication of decimals
  23. Solve word problems involving division of decimals


  1. Identify symmetric figures
  2. Identify symmetrical & asymmetrical figures
  3. Identify lines of symmetry of a figure
  4. Completing symmetric figures on square grids

Area And Perimeter

  1. Find the perimeter of a rectangle using a formula
  2. Find one side of a rectangle given its perimeter and the other side
  3. Find one side of a square given its perimeter
  4. Find one side of a rectangle given its area and the other side
  5. Find one side and the perimeter of a square given its area
  6. Find the perimeter of a composite figure by adding the lengths of its sides
  7. Find the area of a composite figure by adding the area of its parts
  8. Use subtraction to find the area of a composite figure
  9. Find the area of a path around a rectangle
  10. Find the area and perimeter of parts of a figure

Tables And Line Graphs

  1. Complete a table from given data
  2. Read and interpret tables
  3. Read and interpret line graphs
  4. Solve problem using data given in a table format
  5. Solve problem using data given in a line graph
  6. Identify the relationship between two variables in a line graph


  1. Measurement of time in seconds
  2. Given time express in minutes and seconds, convert it to seconds
  3. 24-hour clock
  4. Solve word problems involving time in 24-hour clock

High-ability - Whole Numbers

  1. Given total quantity/amount & relationship between two persons/items, find the quantity/amount for one person/item
  2. Given the volume of other items, find final volume of an item rounded off to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands
  3. Find the mystery number given the events of operations and final value
  4. Given total value, repeated quantity relationship, find value of one item
  5. Given repeated quantity relationship & one absolute quantity, find total quantity
  6. Given total quantity & one absolute quantity, find quantity of an item
  7. Given difference & repeated quantity relationship, find product of two numbers

High-ability - Whole Numbers

  1. Given the amount/quantity for one person & relationship between two persons, find the total amount/quantity
  2. Given the monthly amount/quantity, find amount/quantity for multiple months rounded off to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands
  3. Given total amount/quantity, repeated quantity & a difference relationship among the persons, find the amount/quantity for one person
  4. Given final amount & two sets of transfer amount, find initial amount
  5. Given unitary value. find the multiples of the number rounded off to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands
  6. Given earning and spending amounts per month and number of years of saving, find total savings amount
  7. Given unit price for different items, total sales & sales of one item, find the quantity sold
  8. Given total amount & repeated quantity relationship, find cost of item
  9. Given total amount & difference in unit price, find cost of item
  10. Given transaction amount & repeated quantity relationship, find initial amount
  11. Given repeated quantity relationship & total amount, find difference in unit price

High-ability - Factors & Multiples

  1. Find the sum of common factors for two given numbers
  2. Find the product of a given number and the first common multiple of two given numbers
  3. Find the sum of the multiples of a given number
  4. Find the product of the sum of the common factors & the first common multiple of two given numbers
  5. Given time intervals of two events and time of previous concurrence
  6. Given unit cost of two items, find total cost for the first common multiple

High-ability - Fractions

  1. Given final fractional amount & transfer fractional amount, find initial amount
  2. Given initial fractional amount & transfer fractional amount, find final amount
  3. Given fractional amounts, find total amount
  4. Given final fractional amount & transfer fractional amounts, find initial amount
  5. Given final fractional amount & transfer fractional amount, find initial amount. Involving improper fraction
  6. Given initial quantity & transfer amount, find final fraction
  7. Given total quantity & a fraction, find quantity of item
  8. Given fractional quantity & absolute difference, find quantity of an item
  9. Given total quantity, quantity of a group & fractional quantity of sub-groups, find absolute quantity of a sub-group

High-ability - Decimals

  1. Given production rate, find output quantity
  2. Given total mass & quantity of items, find unit mass
  3. Find sum of two numbers expressed in different notations
  4. Given values in an operation, find the number of tenths/hundredths/thousandths
  5. Given unit length, item quantity & required length, find initial length
  6. Given unit mass, quantity difference & total mass, find quantity of one item

High-ability - Decimals (Money)

  1. Given total value in decimal & relationship between two numbers, find one number
  2. Given total amount & unit price of one item, find cost of the other item
  3. Given repeated quantity relationship & amount for one party, find amount for the other party
  4. Given total amount & repeated quantity among parties, find amount for one party

High-ability - Area and Perimeter

  1. Given perimeter & length, find difference in length and breadth
  2. Given dimension & quantity of items, find area of each item
  3. Given perimeter & repeated quantity relationship between length and breadth, find area
  4. Given perimeter & difference between length and breadth, find area
  5. Given area, breadth & unit cost, find total cost of covering perimeter
  6. Given area of a square, find perimeter
  7. Given dimension of rectangles, find shaded area
  8. Find perimeter of a composite figure
  9. Find area of a composite figure

High-ability - Time

  1. Given two sets of mixed time, find sum
  2. Given two sets of mixed time, find difference
  3. Conversion between 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock
  4. Given duration of journey & starting time, find arrival time
  5. Given delay/advance time, find actual time
  6. Given starting and ending time, find duration of journey
  7. Given duration of journey & arrival time, find starting time
  8. Given starting time & duration of two events, find ending time
  9. Given starting and ending time, involving over-night timing, find duration of travel
KooBits – The Easiest Way To Learn Grade 4 Maths
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Connect G4 Syllabus To Real-World Problems

We make the syllabus more exciting and relevant by going into the “why” behind maths. There are over 90 hours of educational content, showing students how to use these topics to solve real world problems.

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